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时间:2022-06-11 20:50:02 来源:网友投稿




  Unit 7 Science 课程思政教学设计 育德目标 思想政治教育的融入点 教育方法和载体途径 教学成效 了解科学的概念,分清科学和技术二者的关系,认识科技发明的主要成就和其带来的优缺点,培养学生的思辨能力,树立正确的科技价值观,倡导严谨的科学精神。

 通过单元主题 science引出低头族公益视频,了解低头族的形成原因和低头症对健康的危害,引导学生合理使用电子产品,趋利避害,减少对电子产品的依赖心理。

 1. 微课视频及拓展资料(超星平台和麻瓜英语公众号)

 2. 教材文章剖析 3. 课堂小组活动 4. 英语演讲、竞赛及其他活动 语言输出:

 1. 主题相关翻译实践 2. 演讲:AI 与工作的关系 行动导向:


  《 习近平向第二届世界顶尖科学家论坛( 2019 )致贺信》 》 习近平指出,科学技术是人类的伟大创造性活动,发展科学技术必须具有全球视野、把握时代脉搏。中国愿同世界各国一道加强科学研究,密切科研协作,推动科技进步,应对时代挑战。

 Xi pointed out that science and technology are great creative activities of mankind, and that the development of science and technology requires a global perspective and must stay up to date with the times. China is willing to work with all countries of the world to strengthen research and collaboration to promote sci-tech progress and address the challenges of our age, he said.


 给低头族的诗:《Look Up 》微视频



 ——2021 年 1 月 25 日,国家主席习近平在北京以视频方式出席世界经济论坛“达沃斯议程”对话会并发表特别致辞。

 The past year also bore witness to the enormous resolve and courage of people around the world in battling the deadly coronavirus. Guided by science, reason and a humanitarian spirit, the world has achieved initial progress in fighting COVID-19.


 —— 《 习近平主持召开科学家座谈会并发表重要讲话 》

 Highlighting innovation as the “primary driving force,” Xi said China needs scientific and technological solutions, more than ever, to boost economic and social development as well as improve people’s living standards. 主题思政素材 文章词汇解析 (2) boost /buː st/ n. 推动;宣扬(1) science /ˈ saɪ əns/ n. 科 科学

  利润回升最显著的行业为装备制造业和高技术制造业。二季度,高技术制造业利润增长 34.6%,为增速最高的行业板块,而一季度为下降 17.1%。

 —— 《 六月规模以上工业企业利润实现两位数增长 》

 China’s share of the world economy has risen from just 3.6% in 2000 to 17.8% now and the country will become a “high-income economy” by 2023, the report says. Equipment and high-tech manufacturing were among the sectors that saw the most visible recovery, with profits in high-tech manufacturing expanding by 34.6 percent year on year, rebounding from a 17.1-percent decrease in the first quarter.


 电影 :《 模仿游戏 》( (The Imitation Game )



 思辨能力训练 Critical Thinking and Discussion :

 Why do more than half of AI (artificial intelligence) users believe AI will create a net increase in jobs? 课后拓展 (3) high-tech




 So many things can keep you from seeing your loved ones in person, from busy schedules to long distances to a rather unexpected pandemic. Fortunately, thanks to modern technology, the people we miss are often only a phone call or text message away. But if you’re someone who’s more prone to typed out messages than verbal ones, you may want to reconsider. According to science, if you want to feel more connected to the people you’re talking to, you should call them instead of texting.


 亲自 in person

 突如其来的疫情 unexpected pandemic

 短信 text message

 现代技术 modern technology

推荐访问:英语 设计方案 交互 《新理念交互英语教程》课程思政设计方案—Unit-7-Science 新理念交互英语教程1答案
